Couple Dancing
DreamBird Dance Duos

DreamBird Duos

Adult Dance Lessons for Couples Ages 40+

Connect with your partner through the joy of dance! DreamBird Dance Duos offers adult dance lessons tailored for couples ages 40 and above

Couple lessons
ages 40+

Experience the Joy of Dance Together

Our classes are designed to help you and your partner learn easy and fun dance routines that you'll eagerly anticipate each week. From traditional ballroom dances like cha-cha and salsa to energetic country line dances, the lively swing, groovy hustle, and more, we cover many genres to keep things exciting.

$60 per couple | 1 hour session

Make Your Date Night Unforgettable

Make DreamBird Dance Duos a delightful part of your weekly date night routine! Reconnect with your partner, create lasting memories, and enjoy the thrill of dancing together. Whether you're a beginner or have some dance experience, our welcoming environment and supportive instructors are here to guide you every step of the way.

Where to Find Us

We offer adult dance classes in Henderson, Nevada, and Las Vegas.

Ballroom Addiction
2301 Renaissance Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89119

1140 Barby Springs Ave
Henderson, NV 89014
